Tuesday 26 August 2008

More blogging about the blog

Whilst attempting to finish the next post, I started reading back over the older ones and was surprised to find that I enjoyed my own work. Distance makes it seem better written and more interesting than I remembered. The things I have to write about now don't seem half as interesting.

I see that the previous two entries were a bit of a moan. Unfortunately for you guys I am most motivated to write now when I want to get something off my chest or when I am at my most introspective.

Discussing this with an old friend on IM he persuaded to keep going as some might be interested in the more recent stuff and just this was enough to get me collating some of the ideas that have been knocking around on virtual post-its. These are posts that have been brewing in my mind a while now, but it takes more effort to craft something thoughtful and reasoned than a rant. Hopefully some of them will be of the more speculative and interesting variety.

I have also just published something I wrote a while ago about China under the date I wrote it (April). I may also publish some of the brewing posts (if I get them finished) under the date the ideas started if it the date context is relevant.

Hmm, this is all getting a little too self referential....

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